BRAND CONSULTING SUSTAINABLE SOURCING AND PRODUCTION . Sourcing & Choice of innovative sustainable materialsResearch on responsible innovation for sustainable, resource efficiency biodegradability and recyclability.Coaching creative team Request COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Style orientations formulationCollection planChoice of color rangeChoice of materials & prints, textureDesign of styles and technical sheetsResearch & development: items & detailTechnical style: Fact sheets; including: material reference & color,Measurements, finishing and amendments to final prototype. Request LIVERY CREATION Analysis of the brand identity and its symbolsAnalysis of needs and requirements with the market involvedResearch on specific new technologies Proposal of livery concepts in keeping with brand image and mood of the times: color codes, material, etc.Markers; dress design according to the client codesTechnical style: Fact sheets; amendments to final prototypes.Presentation and enhancement of the approach with internal teams Request